Artist’s Statement
‘Seeing’ is hard to define. There is so much more to most things than meets the eye.
Each of us sees things differently each time we look.
My work is a playful mix of drawing with paint. I feel like I’m creating characterful snapshots and impressions from the magical world around me.
Life in the city is a colourful experience even though it’s mostly grey. Trying to find my way through the myriads of people interests me and excites me. I see people mostly as ‘passers by’ - a bit like newsprint which is read and then discarded.
If you’ve ever experienced brushing water on one of those magic painting books - when characters are suddenly brought to life - this, for me, is like words are to a page in a story.
Sometimes I depict faceless, handless ‘empty people’ in an attempt to draw attention to our varied - yet often unseen - differences. At other times, I’m drawn to people or places who feature in the news headlines to reflect what unites us, despite our differences.
‘Seeing’ is hard to define. There is so much more to most things than meets the eye.
Each of us sees things differently each time we look.
My work is a playful mix of drawing with paint. I feel like I’m creating characterful snapshots and impressions from the magical world around me.
Life in the city is a colourful experience even though it’s mostly grey. Trying to find my way through the myriads of people interests me and excites me. I see people mostly as ‘passers by’ - a bit like newsprint which is read and then discarded.
If you’ve ever experienced brushing water on one of those magic painting books - when characters are suddenly brought to life - this, for me, is like words are to a page in a story.
Sometimes I depict faceless, handless ‘empty people’ in an attempt to draw attention to our varied - yet often unseen - differences. At other times, I’m drawn to people or places who feature in the news headlines to reflect what unites us, despite our differences.